
13 April 2018

12-04-18 NIfty (-7)

  • Took 2 trades with some gain. First one SL and the 2 nd with some gain.
  • First trade tried the TST setup of PDH. But failed to grasp the over all picture. Market was gaining momentum in the upward direction. First it was unable to break the initial range and it broke last swing high. Missed to grasp and paid the price. Trade management was also poor. I could have sensed that there is no momentum and there was a possibility to scratch.
  • 2nd trade at correct location, but there was scope of improvement of trade management.

12 April 2018

11-04-18 Nifty (-9)

  • Tried TST setup of BRN as there was down momentum at the beginning
  • But Failed. Poor trade management. Could have scratched if I could have understood what is happening in the market

04 April 2018

04-04-18 Nifty (06)

  • Took 2 trades with some gain
  • First trade at perfect location. But the exit was not proper, it was premature.
  • 2nd trade at wrong location, with greed. Not followed the rule so punished.
  • There was good opportunity at BPB of initial range. Because of fear left.

After Long Gap

Wishing you a very profitable new financial year ahead.

After a gap of one year I am updating this blog and re started the trading.  Before the gap I was very much concentrating on increasing the accuracy to become a profitable trader. But after some reading, realized that there is no holy grail. The important point which I realized is Risk management and psychology. Hope I have a decent basic Risk management and psychology to start with. This is not a fixed one. These two are ever evolving based on errors and experience.

Only my journey can say whether, my understanding is correct or not. Let us see..